REGION FIVE DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION TO APPLY FOR MNDOT RTCC PHASE II IMPLEMENTATION GRANT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Region Five Development Commission (R5DC) intends to submit an application and work plan for a MNDOT Phase II Implementation Grant The goal and objectives of the Region Five (R5) Regional Transportation Coordinating Council (RTCC) are to formalize and increase coordination between providers and service agencies that will result in an effective system of transportation options providing customers easier access to services that meet their travel needs The R5 RTCC will be responsible for coordinating transportation services through a network of existing public, private, non-profit transportation providers, and service agents to fill vehicle transit transportation gaps, streamline access to vehicle transportation and provide individuals more travel options The R5 RTCC will plan and implement strategies that meet the regional transit coordination needs For additional information, please contact Matt Kallroos at or by phone at 218.894.3233