CRMC CUYUNA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Dedicated to You. Every Day OSMLES JAKE SEIZE THE AWKWARD MONDAY 6 P.M. MAY 16 MAYBERRY AUDITORIUM CROSBY-IRONTON HIGH SCHOOL Parents, caregivers, and area residents are welcome to attend "Seize the Awkward," a community discussion on mental health. Experts will explain how to recognize the risk factors of suicide and how to watch for warning signs in youth. An open discussion about how to openly talk about suicide and when to take action will be held. After a brief presentation, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the mental health professionals. Visit for more information and registration CRMC CUYUNA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Dedicated to You. Every Day OSMLES JAKE SEIZE THE AWKWARD MONDAY 6 P.M. MAY 16 MAYBERRY AUDITORIUM CROSBY-IRONTON HIGH SCHOOL Parents, caregivers, and area residents are welcome to attend "Seize the Awkward," a community discussion on mental health. Experts will explain how to recognize the risk factors of suicide and how to watch for warning signs in youth. An open discussion about how to openly talk about suicide and when to take action will be held. After a brief presentation, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the mental health professionals. Visit for more information and registration