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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS AND AVAILABILITY OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Issued: June 28, 2024 In the Matter of the Application for a Certificate of Need for the Northland Reliability Project 345 kV Transmission Line; and in the Matter of the Application for a Route Permit for the Northland Reliability Project 345 kV Transmission Line PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Commission will hold public hearings on the application of Great River Energy and Minnesota Power for a certificate of need and a route permit for a new 180-mile 345 kV double-circuit transmission line project. The project includes the following segments: A new approximately 140-mile long double-circuit 345 kV transmission line connecting Minnesota Power's existing Iron Range Substation, Minnesota Power's new Cuyuna Series Compensation Station, and Great River Energy's existing Benton County Substation The replacement of a 20-mile 230 kV line with a double-circuit 345kV transmission line from Great River Energy's existing Benton County Substation to a new Xcel Energy Big Oaks Substation The replacement of a 20-mile 345 kV line from Great River Energy's existing Benton County Substation to the existing ce Energy Sherco Substation in Sherbume County using double-circuit capable 345 KV Structures IN-PERSON MEETINGS y 22 2024500 July 23 2004 500 Thursday If any reasonable accommodation is needed to enable you to fully participate in these hearings, please contact the Commission at 651-296-0406 or 1-800-657-3782 one week in advance of the meeting To find out if a hearing is canceled due to bad weather or other call 1-855-751-6208 or visit ONLINE HEARING VIA WEBEX WEBEX (ONLINE) MEETING If you are joining the meeting via WebEx and would like to ask a question or make a comment during the designated portion of the meeting, use the chat or raised-hand functions to send a message to the meeting moderator. If you are joining the meeting by phone press *3 on your phone. When it is your turn to speak, your line will be unmuted. and you will be able to ask questions and provide comments. Additional information and instructions are webex/ MEETING INFORMATION Doors will open one hour prior to each in-person hearing Attendees will have an opportunity to review maps and materials for the project and ask questions of the Applicants and state staff. During this time. comments made by attendees will become a part of the record for consideration only if the attendee submits the comment in writing Forms will be available for this purpose. The public hearings will be conducted by an administrative law judge with the Office of Administrative Hearings, who will provide the Commission with findings of fact conclusions of law, and a recommendation The purpose of the public hearings is to obtain public input on the proposed project and compile the record for the Commission to consider in making a final decision on the certificate of need and route per application Specifically, interested persons will have the opportunity to: (1) ask questions of state staff and the applicant (2) offer oral and written comments on the merits of the proposed project and on the environmental assessment and (3) suggest possible conditions to be considered for inclusion in the route permit Comments received at the hearings and during the comment period will be used to inform the record and help the Commission make its final decision The information presented will be the same at all in-person and online hearings The hearings will end when all attendees have had the opportunity to comment and all other business has been concluded. or the scheduled end time of the hearing whichever occurs first Members of the public may participate without the necessity of intervening as a party representation by legal counseli permitted but not required. COMMENT PERIOD Written comments will be accepted through August 5, 2024, by 4:30 pm. Please include the docket number in all communications Comments received after the close of the comment period may or may not be considered by the Commission Topics for Comment Should the Commission grant a certificate of need for the proposed project If granted, what additional conditions or be included in Should the Commission grant a route permit for the proposed project? If granted what additional conditions or requirements, if any should be included in the route permit? SUBMIT COMMENTS Comments will be made available to the public via the Commission's website, except in limited circumstances consistent with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. The Commission does not edit or delete personal identifying information from submissions ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The Minnesota Department of Commerce (Department issued an environmental assessment (EA) for the project on June 28, 2024 The purpose of the EA is to provide information on the potential human and environmental impacts of the proposed project, possible mitigations for identified impacts, and evaluation of any alternatives contained in the scoping decision The EA is available for review and download at the locations provided below. Department of Commerce website web/project/15114 Commission's Docket System https://www.edockets status Engledockets/searchDocuments do?method-Docket +22docketNumber-415 Copies of the EA are available from the Department upon request; please contact Jim Sullivan at jm us o 651-539-1059 Northland Reliability Project ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Minnesota Statutes and Rules This project is being reviewed under Minnesota Statutes chapters 2168 and 2166 and Minnesota Rules chapters 7849 and 7850 The statutes and rules are available for review at: www.revisor Review Process Information on the review processes for certificates of need and site and route permits for large electric power facilities is available on the Commission's website at fac Filing Requirements Utaties telecommunications carriers, official parties, and state agencies are required to fe documents using the Commission's electronic filing system lefiling). All parties participants, and interested persons are also encouraged to use eling mn gov/puc edockets select Go to Dockets and follow the prompts Full Case Record See all documents filed in this matter on the Commission's website at: edockets, select Go to Dockets Project Database, enter the year (22) and the docket numbers (416) for the certificate of need or (415) for the route permit and select Search Subscribe to the Docket. To receive email ofication when new documents are filed in this matter vist https://www.edockets state using select Subscribe to Dockets Questions about these dockets or Commission process and procedure? Contact Commission staff. Craig Janezicht craig janezic me us or 651-201-2200. To request this document in another format such as large print or audio, call 651-296- 0406 (voice) Persons with a hearing or speech impairment may call using their preferred Telecommunications Relay Service or email consumer for assistance NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS AND AVAILABILITY OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Issued : June 28 , 2024 In the Matter of the Application for a Certificate of Need for the Northland Reliability Project 345 kV Transmission Line ; and in the Matter of the Application for a Route Permit for the Northland Reliability Project 345 kV Transmission Line PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission ( Commission will hold public hearings on the application of Great River Energy and Minnesota Power for a certificate of need and a route permit for a new 180 - mile 345 kV double - circuit transmission line project . The project includes the following segments : A new approximately 140 - mile long double - circuit 345 kV transmission line connecting Minnesota Power's existing Iron Range Substation , Minnesota Power's new Cuyuna Series Compensation Station , and Great River Energy's existing Benton County Substation The replacement of a 20 - mile 230 kV line with a double - circuit 345kV transmission line from Great River Energy's existing Benton County Substation to a new Xcel Energy Big Oaks Substation The replacement of a 20 - mile 345 kV line from Great River Energy's existing Benton County Substation to the existing ce Energy Sherco Substation in Sherbume County using double - circuit capable 345 KV Structures IN - PERSON MEETINGS y 22 2024500 July 23 2004 500 Thursday If any reasonable accommodation is needed to enable you to fully participate in these hearings , please contact the Commission at 651-296-0406 or 1-800-657-3782 one week in advance of the meeting To find out if a hearing is canceled due to bad weather or other call 1-855-751-6208 or visit ONLINE HEARING VIA WEBEX WEBEX ( ONLINE ) MEETING If you are joining the meeting via WebEx and would like to ask a question or make a comment during the designated portion of the meeting , use the chat or raised - hand functions to send a message to the meeting moderator . If you are joining the meeting by phone press * 3 on your phone . When it is your turn to speak , your line will be unmuted . and you will be able to ask questions and provide comments . Additional information and instructions are webex / MEETING INFORMATION Doors will open one hour prior to each in - person hearing Attendees will have an opportunity to review maps and materials for the project and ask questions of the Applicants and state staff . During this time . comments made by attendees will become a part of the record for consideration only if the attendee submits the comment in writing Forms will be available for this purpose . The public hearings will be conducted by an administrative law judge with the Office of Administrative Hearings , who will provide the Commission with findings of fact conclusions of law , and a recommendation The purpose of the public hearings is to obtain public input on the proposed project and compile the record for the Commission to consider in making a final decision on the certificate of need and route per application Specifically , interested persons will have the opportunity to : ( 1 ) ask questions of state staff and the applicant ( 2 ) offer oral and written comments on the merits of the proposed project and on the environmental assessment and ( 3 ) suggest possible conditions to be considered for inclusion in the route permit Comments received at the hearings and during the comment period will be used to inform the record and help the Commission make its final decision The information presented will be the same at all in - person and online hearings The hearings will end when all attendees have had the opportunity to comment and all other business has been concluded . or the scheduled end time of the hearing whichever occurs first Members of the public may participate without the necessity of intervening as a party representation by legal counseli permitted but not required . COMMENT PERIOD Written comments will be accepted through August 5 , 2024 , by 4:30 pm . Please include the docket number in all communications Comments received after the close of the comment period may or may not be considered by the Commission Topics for Comment Should the Commission grant a certificate of need for the proposed project If granted , what additional conditions or be included in Should the Commission grant a route permit for the proposed project ? If granted what additional conditions or requirements , if any should be included in the route permit ? SUBMIT COMMENTS Comments will be made available to the public via the Commission's website , except in limited circumstances consistent with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act . The Commission does not edit or delete personal identifying information from submissions ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The Minnesota Department of Commerce ( Department issued an environmental assessment ( EA ) for the project on June 28 , 2024 The purpose of the EA is to provide information on the potential human and environmental impacts of the proposed project , possible mitigations for identified impacts , and evaluation of any alternatives contained in the scoping decision The EA is available for review and download at the locations provided below . Department of Commerce website web / project / 15114 Commission's Docket System https : //www.edockets status Engledockets / searchDocuments do ? method - Docket + 22docketNumber - 415 Copies of the EA are available from the Department upon request ; please contact Jim Sullivan at jm us o 651-539-1059 Northland Reliability Project ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Minnesota Statutes and Rules This project is being reviewed under Minnesota Statutes chapters 2168 and 2166 and Minnesota Rules chapters 7849 and 7850 The statutes and rules are available for review at : www.revisor Review Process Information on the review processes for certificates of need and site and route permits for large electric power facilities is available on the Commission's website at fac Filing Requirements Utaties telecommunications carriers , official parties , and state agencies are required to fe documents using the Commission's electronic filing system lefiling ) . All parties participants , and interested persons are also encouraged to use eling mn gov / puc edockets select Go to Dockets and follow the prompts Full Case Record See all documents filed in this matter on the Commission's website at : edockets , select Go to Dockets Project Database , enter the year ( 22 ) and the docket numbers ( 416 ) for the certificate of need or ( 415 ) for the route permit and select Search Subscribe to the Docket . To receive email ofication when new documents are filed in this matter vist https : //www.edockets state using select Subscribe to Dockets Questions about these dockets or Commission process and procedure ? Contact Commission staff . Craig Janezicht craig janezic me us or 651-201-2200 . To request this document in another format such as large print or audio , call 651-296- 0406 ( voice ) Persons with a hearing or speech impairment may call using their preferred Telecommunications Relay Service or email consumer for assistance