Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges & Setting the Pace Summit April 31-May 3 Multi-Cultural 2 and 4 Day Held at Mille Lacs Grand Casino Event Center (777 Grand Ave., Onamia, Mn 56359 Middle School and High School Students 8am-2:30pm Professionals & Vocational Students 8am-5pm REGISTRATION FORM An informative and empowering summit for all attendees: Mid School, High School and lmusion Vocational Students, Professionals and those looking fora | careerchange.- -= $300,00 $500.00 . Career Fair . Job Fair Life Skills Training 2 day & 4 day Career Prep & Siding scale available as needed . Resume Building (additional $150) 4 day .Certified 10 hour OSHA 10 Training (additional $200) 4 day .Certified CPR First Aid Training (additional $100) 4 day Look for us on Facebook and Instagram for more information or how to register Please contact Audrey (218-330-5724)or Rolinda (505-801-4180) or to Register and for more information on the Breaking Bariers, Building Bridges&Setting the Pace Summit.