26TH ANNIVERSARY! ILLE LACS HISTDEY FPESTIVAL& RENDEEVOUS ISLE/WARKON NNESOTA JUNE 33-34, 8018 Celebrate the Fur Trade! 1840s Rendezvous Camp Folk Arts History & Storytelling Demonstrations Black Powder ShootingFood & Drink . Music & Entertainment Details: millelacs.vous@gmail.com Open to the Public! Admission - $3.00 at gate FREE to those 10 & Under Rain or Shine 9 - 5 Saturday/9 - 4 Sunday Located 1 mile SE of Isle, MN on Hwy 47 or 21 miles north of Ogilvie on Hwy 47, 1/2 mile East on Torchlight Rd 40306 Torchlight Road, Isle, MN 56342