MILLS. AUTOMOTIVE GROUP Stewart C Mills Su 1891-1978 FOUNDERS DAY WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 6TH The Mills Automotive Group was started in downtown Brainerd by Stewart C. Mills, Sr. in 1922 at the Lively Building, where he sold Chevrolets and Hupmobiles! With tremendous gratitude for ALL of our Guests, Customers, Team Members, and the Communities which we are Proud and Grateful to work with, to serve, and to form relationships with... We are proud to continue on with Stewart C. Mills Sr's Great Legacy representing the Mills name, 11 automotive franchises, a body shop, wholesale parts distribution, aftermarket accessories, and proudly serving our various communities! With Love and Appreciation from, Marisa & Your Mills Automotive Group Family! www.MILLSAUTO.COM MILLS . AUTOMOTIVE GROUP Stewart C Mills Su 1891-1978 FOUNDERS DAY WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 6TH The Mills Automotive Group was started in downtown Brainerd by Stewart C. Mills , Sr. in 1922 at the Lively Building , where he sold Chevrolets and Hupmobiles ! With tremendous gratitude for ALL of our Guests , Customers , Team Members , and the Communities which we are Proud and Grateful to work with , to serve , and to form relationships with ... We are proud to continue on with Stewart C. Mills Sr's Great Legacy representing the Mills name , 11 automotive franchises , a body shop , wholesale parts distribution , aftermarket accessories , and proudly serving our various communities ! With Love and Appreciation from , Marisa & Your Mills Automotive Group Family ! www.MILLSAUTO.COM