Summer is Short, Fill it with Color! Coneflowers, an American favorite, are beloved by butterflies, bees, songbirds and gardeners alike. Let our experts help you incorporate this easy-care, perennial into your garden! *17 Landsburg-grown varieties! Landsburg LANDSCAPE NURSERY gold Lakes PROUD Plus, find many more unadvertised specials in all departments, changing all the time! 218-829-5519 16460 Hwy 371 N. Brainerd Hours Mon-Fri 9-5:30; Sat 9-4; Sun 9-2 Summer is Short , Fill it with Color ! Coneflowers , an American favorite , are beloved by butterflies , bees , songbirds and gardeners alike . Let our experts help you incorporate this easy - care , perennial into your garden ! * 17 Landsburg - grown varieties ! Landsburg LANDSCAPE NURSERY gold Lakes PROUD Plus , find many more unadvertised specials in all departments , changing all the time ! 218-829-5519 16460 Hwy 371 N. Brainerd Hours Mon - Fri 9-5 : 30 ; Sat 9-4 ; Sun 9-2