Dear Community from Reichert We are writing to you, our Community, in the hopes you will toke some time to get to knowu. All of u. Throughout these two poges are the men and women school and drive until their routes are done into the late afternoons This is what we're osking you to please do today: . If you are a COACH: Come in and get a COL license so you can drive your group to their sporting events. f you are a PARENT: Come in and get a CDL Icense The men ond women that listen to your kids read to them when you have to work late or just listen to them share a win or a loss they hod in school that doy. Youl olso see our Mechorics who make ol these buses run, along with our Cleaning Crew who make un shine so you can drive your kids to their sport event You're going there onyway, you might os wel get even in these dim times of the unknown paid for it As you look through these photos, youi see the heart of our Reichert Family. IF YOU ARE A PERSON WHO We are in a time of pandemie of lifetimes. Works o SwING SHIFT/ODD HOURS and would like some more income When we come to these times of trial, heartache, uncertainty, we must reach down and osk ourselves why we do what we do? Come in ond get your COL icense! We con occommodate many schedulest Morning and afternoon routes - every ofther week on end off, et. Because we love our Community. At the most basic, yet important level: We love Our Children Begins work ot 9 AM - You con drive on AM Route and earn at least an additional S700.00 per month (That con be a mortgage poyment, a truck poyment or a nice vocotion fund) We are not just Bus Drivers We're the folks who lasten to a child reach and sign off on their sheets becouse o porent may be working the second shift. Ends werk by 2 PM - You con drive o PM Route and eorn at least on additional Sr00.00 per month (Which could be a great Savings Account, Fishing Boot Fund and Christmas Money stosN) We're the folks helping with weekend repairn on old cars becouse we know it meons something special to o loved one of yours WE ARE LOOKING TO HIRE 10 MORE ROUTE DRIVERS TODAYI MAKE ONE OF THOSE POSITIONS YOURSI We're the folks doing vocabulary words on our bus to make sure our kids ore better students. We hove oll chosen to roise our fomilies here. We oll hove skin in the game. we all have heart. We're the folks checking in with kids who seem to have just a few too many down days in a row. We ol hove Worrior Pride. Wed ike to see your Wartrior Pride and support us through this pondemic. Wo're your bockbone, warrior Country. And, for the frst fime in 75 years of serving you with ol we've got we're not able to cover all our routes. We're nol oble to get all our Worriors to their events Please step up to drive today Call us, stop in, apply online or emall us to get startedt The reality is the majority of our drivers ore in the high-risk range to contract ond suffer bodly from COVD-19. These are your parents and some of your grandparents. We look forword to o uccessful Worrior year coming together for our kidv These ore your neighbors. Sincerely, LCa Kevro This post summer we hod multiple job foirs with inte to no response. We even had an event just for ISD 141 Cooches and Employees with no turn out ot ol This is not Lokes Strong or ony kind of Community. This does not show any core strength for our children. Reichert " gives our kids a message that we are going to take care of what is right in front of us and that is it. We connot osk our high-risk citicens, nor expect them, to be the only ones driving our youth We all must step up. 8342 Industrial Park Road, Brainerd, MN S6401 These ore oll of our kids. 218-829-6955 These ore the fuure of the Lokes Area. We all need to show our Worrior Pride. Don't you want to make them Proud Dear Community from Reichert We are writing to you, our Community, in the hopes you will toke some time to get to knowu. All of u. Throughout these two poges are the men and women school and drive until their routes are done into the late afternoons This is what we're osking you to please do today: . If you are a COACH: Come in and get a COL license so you can drive your group to their sporting events. f you are a PARENT: Come in and get a CDL Icense The men ond women that listen to your kids read to them when you have to work late or just listen to them share a win or a loss they hod in school that doy. Youl olso see our Mechorics who make ol these buses run, along with our Cleaning Crew who make un shine so you can drive your kids to their sport event You're going there onyway, you might os wel get even in these dim times of the unknown paid for it As you look through these photos, youi see the heart of our Reichert Family. IF YOU ARE A PERSON WHO We are in a time of pandemie of lifetimes. Works o SwING SHIFT/ODD HOURS and would like some more income When we come to these times of trial, heartache, uncertainty, we must reach down and osk ourselves why we do what we do? Come in ond get your COL icense! We con occommodate many schedulest Morning and afternoon routes - every ofther week on end off, et. Because we love our Community. At the most basic, yet important level: We love Our Children Begins work ot 9 AM - You con drive on AM Route and earn at least an additional S700.00 per month (That con be a mortgage poyment, a truck poyment or a nice vocotion fund) We are not just Bus Drivers We're the folks who lasten to a child reach and sign off on their sheets becouse o porent may be working the second shift. Ends werk by 2 PM - You con drive o PM Route and eorn at least on additional Sr00.00 per month (Which could be a great Savings Account, Fishing Boot Fund and Christmas Money stosN) We're the folks helping with weekend repairn on old cars becouse we know it meons something special to o loved one of yours WE ARE LOOKING TO HIRE 10 MORE ROUTE DRIVERS TODAYI MAKE ONE OF THOSE POSITIONS YOURSI We're the folks doing vocabulary words on our bus to make sure our kids ore better students. We hove oll chosen to roise our fomilies here. We oll hove skin in the game. we all have heart. We're the folks checking in with kids who seem to have just a few too many down days in a row. We ol hove Worrior Pride. Wed ike to see your Wartrior Pride and support us through this pondemic. Wo're your bockbone, warrior Country. And, for the frst fime in 75 years of serving you with ol we've got we're not able to cover all our routes. We're nol oble to get all our Worriors to their events Please step up to drive today Call us, stop in, apply online or emall us to get startedt The reality is the majority of our drivers ore in the high-risk range to contract ond suffer bodly from COVD-19. These are your parents and some of your grandparents. We look forword to o uccessful Worrior year coming together for our kidv These ore your neighbors. Sincerely, LCa Kevro This post summer we hod multiple job foirs with inte to no response. We even had an event just for ISD 141 Cooches and Employees with no turn out ot ol This is not Lokes Strong or ony kind of Community. This does not show any core strength for our children. Reichert " gives our kids a message that we are going to take care of what is right in front of us and that is it. We connot osk our high-risk citicens, nor expect them, to be the only ones driving our youth We all must step up. 8342 Industrial Park Road, Brainerd, MN S6401 These ore oll of our kids. 218-829-6955 These ore the fuure of the Lokes Area. We all need to show our Worrior Pride. Don't you want to make them Proud