Dear Community from Reichert BRAINERD We are writing to you, our Communihy, in the hopes you will toke some time to get to know us All of u Throughout these two poges are the men ond women who get up early each moming to get our kids to school and drive until their routes ore done into the late afternoons. This is what we're asking you to please do today: The men and women that listen to your kids read to them when you have to work late or just listen to them share a win or a loss they hod in school that day. Hl you ore a COACH: Come in and get a CDL license 1o you can drive your group to their sporting events. If you ore a PARENT: Come in and get a CDL icense so you can drive your kids to their sport events You're going there anyway, you might as well get Youl also see our Mechanics who make al these buses run, olong with our Cleaning Crew who make us shine even in these dim times of the unknown. poid for it As you look through these photos, you'l see the heart of our Reichert Fomiy. - If you are a persen whe works a SWING SHIFT/ODD HOURS and would like some mere income: We are in a time of pandemic of lifetimes. When we come to these times of trial, heartache, uncertainty, we must reach down and ask ourselves why we do what we do? Come in and get your COL license! We can occommodote many schedules! Merning ond afternoon routes - every other week on and off, etc. Il you're o perent with kids riding the bus Pleose ask your shudent to WEAR THEIR MASE No politics here. Ir's required. Aso, ask them to be kind and respectful on the bus. Thank their driver ond treat others with respect. Because we love our Community. At the most basic, yet important level: We love Our Children. We are not just Bus Drivers If you're an Athletic Director er have a hand in scheduling sports: Please be mindful of when the bus routes ore running in the oftemoons os this is when there are the least amount of drivers avalable across the STATE (AND NATION - THIS IS A NATIONAL CRISIS) We're the folks who listen to a chid reach ond sign off on their sheets becouse a porent may be working the second shift. We're the folks helping with weekend repoirs on old cars because we know it meana something special to a loved one of yours We're the folks doing vocobulary words on our bus to make sure our kids are better students. - If you're a BUS DRIVER FROM ANOTHER DISTRCT Sign up for a trip or two a month. We'l work with your supervisor, We're the folks checking in with kide who seem to have just o few too mony down days ina row. We have oll chosen to raise our fomles here. We oll have skin in the gome. we all have heart. We're your bockbone, Worrior Country. We ol have Worrior Pride. And, for the first time in 75 years of serving you with oll we've got we're not able to cover all our routes. We're not oble to get oll our Worriors to their events Wed ike to see your Worrior Pride and support us through his pondemic. Please step up to drive today The reality is the majority of our drivers ore in the high-risk range to contrast ond suffer bodly from Covo-19. Call us, stop in, apply online or email us to get startedt These are your parents ond some of your grandporents. These are your neighbors. We look forward to o uccesstul Worrior year coming together for our kids This past summer we hod multiple job foirs with linte to Sincerely. LC & Kevro no response. We even had on event just for ISD 18 Cooches ond Employees with no turn out at al. KevroGReichertluncom This is not Lokes Strong or ony kind of Community. Reichert This does not show ony core strength for our children. It gives our kidsa messoge that we ore going to toke core of what is right in front of us and that is it. We cannot ask our high-risk citizens, nor expect them, to be the only ones driving our youth We oll must shep up. 8342 Industrial Park Road, Brainerd, MN S6401 These ore all of our kids. 218-829-6955 These are the future of the Lakes Area. We all need to show our Worrior Pride. Don't you want to moke them Proud? Dear Community from Reichert BRAINERD We are writing to you, our Communihy, in the hopes you will toke some time to get to know us All of u Throughout these two poges are the men ond women who get up early each moming to get our kids to school and drive until their routes ore done into the late afternoons. This is what we're asking you to please do today: The men and women that listen to your kids read to them when you have to work late or just listen to them share a win or a loss they hod in school that day. Hl you ore a COACH: Come in and get a CDL license 1o you can drive your group to their sporting events. If you ore a PARENT: Come in and get a CDL icense so you can drive your kids to their sport events You're going there anyway, you might as well get Youl also see our Mechanics who make al these buses run, olong with our Cleaning Crew who make us shine even in these dim times of the unknown. poid for it As you look through these photos, you'l see the heart of our Reichert Fomiy. - If you are a persen whe works a SWING SHIFT/ODD HOURS and would like some mere income: We are in a time of pandemic of lifetimes. When we come to these times of trial, heartache, uncertainty, we must reach down and ask ourselves why we do what we do? Come in and get your COL license! We can occommodote many schedules! Merning ond afternoon routes - every other week on and off, etc. Il you're o perent with kids riding the bus Pleose ask your shudent to WEAR THEIR MASE No politics here. Ir's required. Aso, ask them to be kind and respectful on the bus. Thank their driver ond treat others with respect. Because we love our Community. At the most basic, yet important level: We love Our Children. We are not just Bus Drivers If you're an Athletic Director er have a hand in scheduling sports: Please be mindful of when the bus routes ore running in the oftemoons os this is when there are the least amount of drivers avalable across the STATE (AND NATION - THIS IS A NATIONAL CRISIS) We're the folks who listen to a chid reach ond sign off on their sheets becouse a porent may be working the second shift. We're the folks helping with weekend repoirs on old cars because we know it meana something special to a loved one of yours We're the folks doing vocobulary words on our bus to make sure our kids are better students. - If you're a BUS DRIVER FROM ANOTHER DISTRCT Sign up for a trip or two a month. We'l work with your supervisor, We're the folks checking in with kide who seem to have just o few too mony down days ina row. We have oll chosen to raise our fomles here. We oll have skin in the gome. we all have heart. We're your bockbone, Worrior Country. We ol have Worrior Pride. And, for the first time in 75 years of serving you with oll we've got we're not able to cover all our routes. We're not oble to get oll our Worriors to their events Wed ike to see your Worrior Pride and support us through his pondemic. Please step up to drive today The reality is the majority of our drivers ore in the high-risk range to contrast ond suffer bodly from Covo-19. Call us, stop in, apply online or email us to get startedt These are your parents ond some of your grandporents. These are your neighbors. We look forward to o uccesstul Worrior year coming together for our kids This past summer we hod multiple job foirs with linte to Sincerely. LC & Kevro no response. We even had on event just for ISD 18 Cooches ond Employees with no turn out at al. KevroGReichertluncom This is not Lokes Strong or ony kind of Community. Reichert This does not show ony core strength for our children. It gives our kidsa messoge that we ore going to toke core of what is right in front of us and that is it. We cannot ask our high-risk citizens, nor expect them, to be the only ones driving our youth We oll must shep up. 8342 Industrial Park Road, Brainerd, MN S6401 These ore all of our kids. 218-829-6955 These are the future of the Lakes Area. We all need to show our Worrior Pride. Don't you want to moke them Proud?