PRINCE of PEACE EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH LCMS 6311 MILDRED ROAD, BAXTER, MN 56425 Rev. Gregg Coop April 2 PALM SUNDAY - 9:00am April 6 MAUNDAY THURSDAY with communion - 6:45pm April 7 GOOD FRIDAY - 6:45pm April 9 EASTER SUNDAY VIGIL SERVICE with communion - 6:30am FESTIVAL SERVICE with communion - 9:00am View services online via our website. Please check for updates to Holy Week Services. PRINCE of PEACE EV . LUTHERAN CHURCH LCMS 6311 MILDRED ROAD , BAXTER , MN 56425 Rev. Gregg Coop April 2 PALM SUNDAY - 9:00 am April 6 MAUNDAY THURSDAY with communion - 6:45 pm April 7 GOOD FRIDAY - 6:45 pm April 9 EASTER SUNDAY VIGIL SERVICE with communion - 6:30 am FESTIVAL SERVICE with communion - 9:00 am View services online via our website . Please check for updates to Holy Week Services .