EDUCATION Mid Minnesota offers online, in school and community education opportunities for the community free of charge. To learn more go to or contact Jill Casper for school and community education opportunities. Inter Spuce 6al E M. masurable A. atainable R. realistic MIDMINNESOTA 11 Branch Locations | (218) 829-0371 | FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Federally insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Lender. EDUCATION Mid Minnesota offers online, in school and community education opportunities for the community free of charge. To learn more go to or contact Jill Casper for school and community education opportunities. Inter Spuce 6al E M. masurable A. atainable R. realistic MIDMINNESOTA 11 Branch Locations | (218) 829-0371 | FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Federally insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Lender.