Paul Douglas presents A CHRISTIAN'S PERSPECTIVE ON CLIMATE CHANGE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 1:00 PM Paul Douglas, Minnesota's best-known and respected meteorologist, will present a Christian perspective on climate change -what is happening, how it will affect us, and hopeful solutions. The presentation is open to the public free of charge. Paul Douglas, co-author of "Caring for Creation. LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS (LCC) CELEBRATION CENTER 5064 CO. Rd. 13 - SCHAEFER'S CORNER Nisswa, MN Hosted by LCC's Creation Care Team & the EcoFaith Network of the NEMN Synod/ELCA. Co-sponored by Lord of Life Lutheran (Baxter), Bethlehem Lutheran (Brainerd), Our Savior's Lutheran (Pequot), Cross Lake Lutheran, Trinity Lutheran (Brainerd), First Lutheran (Brainerd), and First Lutheran (Aitkin) 001780837r1