
Vote for Pete Stauber for Congress November 6th. Having earned a BS in Criminal Justice as a student-athlete, Pete began his career in law enforcement. His experience solidified his view that we need both safer communities and protection for responsible, law-abiding gun owners. During the years of his service as a police officer, Pete was the victim of two violent gun crimes, on and off duty. In 1995, he was shot in the head while off-duty by a criminal with multiple past offenses. Then, a few years later, a suspect pulled the trigger at point-blank range and, by the grace of God, the gun malfunctioned. Pete has a long history of getting things done for northeastern Minnesota. He served both as the President of the Law Enforcement Labor Services Union, Local 363 and as an Area Commander with the Duluth Police Department. After 22 years of service with the department, Pete retired in August 2017.